Sunflower seeds are harvested from the flower head of the sunflower plant. While the seed itself is encased in a black and white striped shell, sunflower seeds are white and have a tender texture. Known for their distinct nutty flavour and high nutritional value, you can eat the seeds raw, roasted, or incorporated into other dishes. They are an excellent source of selenium and vitamin E, and rich in heart healthy fats.
Natural sunflower seeds, raw and unsalted. Excellent source of selenium and vitamin E, and rich in heart healthy fats.
Sunflower Seeds
Made in a factory that uses nuts
Energy 2444KJ
Protein 20.8g
Carbohydrates 20g
of which Total Sugar 2.6g
Total Fat 50.0g
Of which Saturated Fat 4.5g
Of which Monounsaturated Fat 18.5g
Of which Polyunsaturated Fat 23.1g
Cholesterol 0mg
Dietary Fibre 8.6g
Total sodium 9mg