News Blog

Crispen Matiza
From Beginner to Pro - Choosing the Best Fitness Supplements

From Beginner to Pro - Choosing the Best Fitness Supplements

From protein powders to pre-workout formulas, each supplement offers unique benefits that can support your fitness endeavors

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Manfred Adrio
Having Trouble Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions?

Having Trouble Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions?

We’re ditching the idea of new years resolutions and opting to kick the new year off well...

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Manfred Adrio
The Importance of Vitamin G

The Importance of Vitamin G

Earthing (also called grounding) in this way acts as a “vitamin G” for our proposed “electron deficiency.”

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Manfred Adrio
We Don’t Do Viruses

We Don’t Do Viruses

For some time now there has been a worldwide buildup around the Corona Virus and its impact on the health of humans and the economy. Inevitably, it finally hit South Africa and now that it is here, the question is: what are we going to do about it? Good hygiene practices and strengthening your immune system are two great places to start. Here are a couple of basic ways to strengthen your immunity: Get enough sleep – your body needs rest! Get enough sunlight – your body needs Vitamin D. Do not stress – your immune system suffers when you’re...

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